SICMED dans la chaine de l’innovation.

Fabienne Trolard and A. Bailleux and Guilhem Bourrie and Andre Chanzy and Anne-Laure Cognard-Plancq and Pauline Collon and Marie-Lorraine Dangeard and N. Di Virgilio and Ghislain Geniaux and G. Mohammed and C. Napoléone and Albert Olioso and Olivier Pascal and F. Rossi and Francoise Ruget and I. Taub and M. Tennant. ( 2014 )
in: Colloque international du programme SICMED.

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  TITLE = {{SICMED dans la chaine de l'innovation. }},
  AUTHOR = {Trolard, Fabienne and Bailleux, A. and Bourrie, Guilhem and Chanzy, Andre and Cognard-Plancq, Anne-Laure and Collon-Drouaillet, P. and Dangeard, Marie-Lorraine and Di Virgilio, N. and Geniaux, Ghislain and Mohammed, G. and Napol{\'e}one, C. and Olioso, Albert and Pascal, Olivier and Rossi, F. and Ruget, Francoise and Taub, I. and Tennant, M.},
  URL = {},
  BOOKTITLE = {{Colloque international du programme SICMED.}},
  ADDRESS = {Gammarth, Tunisia},
  YEAR = {2014},
  HAL_ID = {hal-01336651},
  HAL_VERSION = {v1},